Known Issues

Please refer to this document for any issues you encounter during install or usage. If what you have is not listed here, then use the GitHub issue system to contact the developers.

R, Rscript issues

If running the server with the start_server scripts, then you may run into the following issues:

  • For OSX/Linux, Rscript must be available on the path, and for Windows, you will need to edit the start_server.bat script to point to the specific Rscript.exe executable.

  • If you are having trouble loading shiny, please confirm that you have installed the package in the “Installation” step. If so, then you may need to define a new environment variable, R_LIBS_USER, that points to the library path of your R installation. See this StackOverflow answer for more details on this issue.

Rendering/Display issues

Some users have reported issues with the package opening within RStudio’s viewer pane, rather than within a separate browser window. Please make sure that you have the appropriate option checked in the dropdown menu of the ‘Run App’ button, if using RStudio.

pandoc not found

This app uses rmarkdown which in turn uses pandoc to generate HTML/PDF reports. If you are launching this app from RStudio, then pandoc should be provided and should work out of the box.

If not, then pandoc needs to be available either via an environment variable RSTUDIO_PANDOC or the system PATH. The application command line start script will attempt to find pandoc from some common paths, but will print a warning if it can’t be found. It is then up to the user to link the binaries, and if RStudio is not installed, to install pandoc themselves.

Instructions on how to make pandoc available from an existing RStudio installation can be found here.

pandoc can also be installed from its project page